
Application of Titanium Petroleum Accessories

Under the conditions of petroleum machinery processing, titanium alloys can be used to manufacture the following titanium equipment: titanium heat exchangers, filters (settlers), storage tanks for storing petroleum and petroleum products, locking devices, sewage pipelines, and rough oil pipelines.

Certain petrochemical companies and petroleum processing industries have experience in manufacturing and using titanium alloy equipment. For example, the Moscow Petroleum Processing Plant manufactured the following equipment from BT1~0 titanium alloys: propylene polymerization reactors, pulsators for decomposers, condensers, and sieve washing towers.

Titanium Alloy Rectangular Tube-lined vessels are used for evaporation (concentration) or distillation or for reactions in weak acids or other chloride-containing solutions, followed by nitriding of organic materials with nitric acid and other chemical reactions with oxidizing media. As the container used for the reaction, a container with a titanium liner can also be used. Both the solution containing chromic acid and the chromic acid solution for sulfidation can be selected according to the reaction temperature needs of this titanium-lined container.

It has been proved in a certain application range in the field of the chemical raw materials industry that copper and other solutions containing vapors are used to catalyze the oxidation of carbon and chlorine compounds, and it can be used as a catalyst when it has a certain pH value. Then at about 150~200t: When catalyzing at a temperature of t, corresponding equipment must be installed, and acetaldehyde production equipment made of titanium is widely used. Grade 9 Ti-3Al-2.5V Titanium Plate-lined towers, piping, valves, and acid pumps consisting of rotors and stators are all made of engineered pure titanium. Distillation columns are often used for the purification of acetic acid, and most of the fractionation stages include assemblies made of titanium. Such as the middle layer and connecting parts of the tower used in the distillation device.

The coil heater, which prevents the formation of metal sulfates, is proven to increase heat transfer by 30% compared to an aluminized copper coil heater. For the urea reactor, in order to obtain (recover) carbon black and relieve stress, a reaction tower with a diameter of 43m and a length of 8.2m that withstands a temperature of 120T and a pressure of 130kPa should be used. The reaction tower should reduce the gas and other gases. pressure, this device is made of titanium.

The application field of titanium is further extended to the crude oil and petroleum processing industry, and the desalination equipment for producing freshwater or drinking water from seawater or the equipment for producing organic acid all use titanium. At the same time, the pumps, pipes, and heat exchangers made of welded titanium tubes have been tested to be reliable and durable. When copper is electrolyzed, a titanium plate is used to manufacture a titanium seed plate for the cathode.



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